Ep. 008: ALTA Pro with Nick Kolias

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Chris Swoboda
Every Axis
Published in
1 min readJan 31, 2019


Drone nerds Tabb, and Nick Kolias discuss Remote Aerial Cinematography and the all-new ALTA Pro drone. Nick recounts some of the more hilarious stories from his times on set and gives insight into the daily operations of a professional drone pilot.

Nick with some members of the Freefly family.

Nick got his start flying RC helicopters early on as he and his father would go to the local flying field and test their latest toys. Not long after that Nick became obsessed with the hobby of RC flying and quickly worked his way to becoming a skilled operator. Meanwhile, Tabb Firchau (Freefly’s Chief Experimenter) is making news in the Seattle area flying a Canon 5D on an early prototype of what would eventually become the Freefly Cinestar. It was only a matter of time before Nick and Tabb would collaborate on a nearly 7-year long escapade of aerial cinematography.

